Below are some of the typical costs and who pays for those costs in a typical real estate transaction. Of course everything is negotiable.

Typical Buyer's Costs

Origination fee (1%)

1/2 of the escrow,

1/2 the title insurance

all of the lender's required title insurance

A processing fee

recording fees

tax service contract

document preparation fee

underwriting fee

appraisal fee

credit report

notary fee

tax pro-rations

Homeowners insurance

Home warranty

Typical Seller's Costs Include: 

1/2 the escrow, 

1/2 the title insurance, 

fee for drawing the deed, 

county transfer tax, 

re conveyance fee, 

pest control report, 

notary fee, 

recording fee, 

real estate commission, 

environmental fee, 

roof inspection, 

home warranty, 

tax pro-rations, 

home owner's association transfer fee